Jamie Maloy, a lifelong resident of Baldwin County, Alabama, can trace his family’s search for land in Alabama as far back as 1903. The Maloy family loaded their horses and wagons to move the family from Missouri and Nebraska to Alabama. In search of the American Dream, they settled in Baldwin County, purchasing a full section of land / 640 acres. Jamie’s ancestors knew the importance of land and the need of it to take care of your family, from farming, raising cattle, and hunting the early Maloys did just that. The importance of land was instilled in Jamie at a very young age. Jamie still owns a portion of the original property from 1903. Jamie and his wife Becky have four children and grandchildren, whom they hope will continue to know the importance of the American Dream, land.
Jamie spent most of his adult life in service to others by serving in the United States Coast Guard Reserve and recently retired from a 28-year career in law enforcement. Two of their children are currently serving our beloved country, one in the US Navy and the other in the USCG. In his time in law enforcement, Jamie worked in several capacities. From patrol duties to investigations, public relations, hostage/crisis negotiations, and dignitary protection detail. Jamie’s life and career experience have equipped him with a unique set of skills to continue helping others. Transitioning into being a Land Specialist with Whitetail Properties to assist you and your family with finding your own piece of land to call home, hunt, farm, ranch, or just a peaceful retreat.
Jamie and his wife, Becky, are active in their local church, which they call home. For the Maloys, it is all about God, Family, and Country.