Dan Perez is a founding principal partner of Whitetail Properties. He’s also Whitetail Properties TV show host, broker and pro-team member.
Dan, along with five business partners, founded Whitetail Properties in 2007. Prior to Whitetail Properties, Dan spent 18 years as a midwest regional sales manager at PSE Archery, a manufacturing company specializing in bows and other archery and bowhunting equipment. After PSE, Dan worked for Agriland, where he established himself in the rural land marketplace.
As the show host of Whitetail Properties, the land company’s television program airing on The Sportsman Channel, Dan brings land management expertise and big buck action to viewers. The award-winning show reaches more than 35 million homes across North America and was named the Best Education and Informational Show at the Sportsman Channel’s Choice Awards. While Dan has become a household name among millions of television who tune into his show, he’s also an established outdoor writer whose work has been published by popular hunting magazines including Bowhunter, Bow & Arrow Hunting and Bowhunting World.
As a founding partner of Whitetail Properties, Dan believes that the only way to build a lasting business is to serve your clients and customers with the highest degree of honesty, integrity and care. He stands firm on his principles and belief that life-long relationships are built between the company’s Land Specialists and its clients because of a shared passion that starts and ends with land. It’s through likemindedness, shared lifestyles and interests that allegiances, friendships and loyalty are born.
Like so many of the Land Specialists and professional staff at Whitetail Properties, Dan’s roots are embedded deeply in the loam of land stewardship, conservation, wildlife and hunting. Dan’s relationship with land is much deeper than passion. When you combine his lifelong infatuation for land, his appetite for business, and his desire to help others achieve their dream of land ownership, it’s clear that Dan is doing exactly what God put him on this earth to do.
Since he was old enough to draw a 40-pound bow, Dan cut his teeth chasing deer and hogs in his native Florida’s swamplands and on lush, sun-soaked farms. His passion for land and whitetail deer brought him to Pike County, Illinois where he and his Anita live today.
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